Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10 Signs You're a Photo Geek

DigitalRev - 10 Signs You're a Photo Geek

DigitalRev is quite inspiring to me. I think this video is funny but also very concise on determining whether or not you are actually into photography. Many people talk about being a photographer and hold a camera like one; but honestly, how many of you actually enjoy and LOVE to take pictures? Do you check the specs of each camera you buy before you buy it? Do you adjust your settings to create the perfect image you would like to portray? Do you even use the manual settings on your camera? If you answered no to any of these questions, I'm not saying you are not a real photographer.... I am just simply saying I don't think you're into it as much as you say you are. Knowledge is Power. It is also the key to who you are as a person!

Tell me more about being a camera geek. I'm genuinely interested! =)

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