Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is the Best Computer for Editing the Art You've Just Captured?

This question is one of the most important for many professionals. What am I going to use to edit my footage or my photos? Well it honestly depends on your expertise with the editing programs but in all actuallity you must have a device to do it on in the first place!

So which one is the BEST? Mac or PC?

The answer lies in the minds of the beholder. Everyone has their own preferences and comfortability. Some prefer Apple products for almost every electronic they use on a daily basis. Others are much more savy with PC computers and they would prefer to stick with what they know.

Anyone who is tech savy will know and understand the better features of a Mac computer and see the reasoning behind such higher prices: Quality. I believe that Apple has many advatages including the fact that they do not get viruses. I see that to be a huge benefit of any professional trying to use a computer for their business. Other benefits include the Retina Display, the elegance of a Mac, and even the super high techy stuff that I do not have any clue about!
With that being said, don't take my word for it; Listen to this guy.

In this article, DigitalRev has voiced their opinion on which is better and why.

DigitalRev - Why Apple Macs are Better.

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